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Communication guide
Maximizing reach on Social Media

What to follow?


During the conference, we will announce relevant updates and share insights over Twitter and Facebook.


We will also livestream some sessions through YouTube. You can view and share it using the link below:


How to share updates?


We strongly encourage you to share updates through Facebook and Twitter, from your own accounts, using the following hashtags: #l4csi and #socinn. In your posts, please tag @Transit Social Innovation on Facebook and mention or tag @TransitSI on Twitter. Feel free to use other relevant hashtags as well, but try to stay focused to 2-3 main ones.


What to share?


You can choose any type of content you find relevant. Photos and videos are a great way of displaying what is happening. Do not worry too much about quality; it is more important that the updates capture the moment and insights you want to share. You can share insightful quotes you hear as well. Think what the world could learn from this conference. What would a person following the conference online want to know and learn?

For the bloggers

Ideas and inspiration


If you would like to blog, here are a few options for writing reflections & blog posts. You can create:

1. A list, such as:

  • A top 10 of learnings from this session/conference/plenary/story telling session/…

  • 5 things you never know about my organization/session/social innovation/…

  • 3 things you can do with this concept/this format for a session/in social innovation​​

2. A story, such as:

  • How I am related to social innovation/this session/policies for social innovation/funding/…

  • What I learned from this conference/session/…

  • How I solved this problem/issue (a case study discussing the situation, dilemma, action, outcomes)

3. A photo blog with photos of one particular session/break/conference/issue/.... All photos require a caption.

4. A perspective/point of view: Your particular perspective onto this issue/session /conference/…

5. Controversy: Be the Devil’s advocate.

6. A review of a session/conference/concept/research project

7. Interview/profile

  • Ask someone for an interview

  • Ask open questions

8. A round-up in which various sessions/persons/ideas are related to each other

9. A vlog (video-blog made with a smart phone) in which you take the visitor to your session/your take on the conference/the exhibition space/bluecity/Rotterdam as a venue.





Learning for Change (#): [title of blog]


By [name, affilitation, role in TRANSIT/conference]

Introduction to blog:

Keep it short! 20 – 50 words, covering main questions as for who/what/when/where. Also: how this is linked to the conference ‘Learning for Change’

Content of blog:

  • if text – max. 250 words, and include at least 1 photo

  • if video/photo – for video a couple of minutes < 10 is perfect. For photos, circa 10 or less photos works well

  • include links to your own website, to session-descriptions, to external blogs, organizations, persons. Please do not hyperlink, but provide link (between brackets).

  • include your own accounts for twitter/facebook/LinkedIn/ResearchGate


Options for submission


Submit to

If submitted during the conference, it will be published immediately as a live blog. Otherwise, please submit after the conference, until September 22nd. We will publish 1 – 2 blogs every week following the conference. Every blog will be shared on social media.

© 2017 by TRANSIT (TRANSformative Social Innovation Theory)


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