Presentations & slides
Day 1: 14th of September
Keynote & opening presentations
Transformative Social Innovation: Insights from the TRANSIT project
Dr. Flor Avelino | DRIFT, Erasmus University of Rotterdam
Assistant Professor
Julia Wittmayer | DRIFT, Erasmus University of Rotterdam
Senior researcher & advisor
Sarah Rach | DRIFT, Erasmus University of Rotterdam
Cluster A
Knowledge coproduction in urban knowledge labs (presentation 1)
Dr. P.M. Karré | Kenniswerkplaats Leefbare Wijken
Knowledge coproduction in urban knowledge labs (presentation 2)
Dr. Timo von Wirth | DRIFT, Erasmus University of Rotterdam
Cluster B
The hybrid nature of social innovation: opportunities and risks of clashing values
Dr. P.M. Karré
Organisational Forms in transition - experiences from social innovation initiatives
Iris Kunze | BOKU University, Vienna
Cluster C
Julia Backhaus and Bonno Pel
Sustainable Lifestyles Session
Jaco Quist & Adina Dumitru
Ecovillages as models for sustainable living (part of the session above) - by Iris Kunze
Day 2: 15th of September
Keynote & opening presentations
Critical Talks by TRANSIT Advisory Board
Ariel Gordon, Edina Vadovics, Gilda Farrell, Prof. Tim O’Riordan