Learning for Change: Storytelling on Timebanking
Exploring the value of elders within the community Great start to the storytelling session at the table with Barbara Huston telling the...
Learning for Change: humanization of the economy through social innovation
At the TRANSIT conference, 25 people gathered to discuss the topic of system changes based on alternative social relations. The session...
Learning for Change: A call for academics to get out of their comfort zones and transform the knowle
About the author: Tim Strasser is a PhD Researcher at ICIS, Maastricht; TRANSIT researcher and session co-host at the Learning 4 Change...
Learning for Change: BEGIN
Attendees of a fully booked workshop at the TRANSIT "Learning for Change" conference were presented with the BEGIN project. Social...

Learning for Change:
Jürgen Howaldt and Dmitri Domanski spoke about social innovation research and policy at the "Learning for Change" conference, which was...

Learning for change: how social innovation can empower youth people and engage them in community act
Working towards a social economy requires the creation and existence of social innovation leading to a transformative change in society....

Learning for Change: learning about social resilience through play
At the "Learning for Change" conference (organised by TRANSIT) we held a workshop on the Social Resilience Monitor (SRM) – developed by...

Learning for Change: Exploring the Patterns of Small Groups Spawning Changes
StartFragmentEveryone in society has a role to play in any change. For those of us trying to impart positive change in communities, it...

Learning for Change: Organisational Forms in transition. Co-creative explorations based on learnings
After two concise inputs by Iris Kunze on research outcomes of TRANSIT and by Robert Hall on learnings from the Global Ecovillage...
Learning for change: experimentation and the co-production of knowledge in urban labs
This session, co-organised by Philip Marcel Karré (Kenniswerkplaats Leefbare Wijken) and Timo von Wirth (DRIFT), turned out to be a...