Learning for Change: Learning from Critical Turning Points

Learnings and insights from the interactive workshop on Critical Turning Points that was part of the final conference of the TRANSIT project - Learning for Change: A Journey through the Theory and Practice of Transformative Social Innovation (Rotterdam, September 14, 2017). This workshop was hosted in an excellent way by Saskia Ruijsink (researcher at Erasmus University Rotterdam). Transformation can be “a journey along a bumpy path”. Some decisive moments during that journey are less planned. These critical turning points mark moments or periods of transition in which a social innovation enters in a new phase.It was very inspiring to work “hands-on” with the Critical Turning Points tool: with the basic set-up, with the timeline and with the detailed questions. This approach creates a space for curious and deep listening and for bold conversations. The framework brings powerful questions and a clear focus for change-makers and social innovation initiatives. Looking back, reflecting, re-framing, re-imagining and then co-designing the “way forward” - a beautiful and inspiring process.I am reminded of the words by Bob Stilger who speaks about “disaster as a springboard”. Critical turning points can indeed be springboards for social innovation initiatives - when we take the time to reflect and learn from them.I am very much looking forward to reading more about the work of the TRANSIT project team: more than 70 timelines, more than 450 critical turning points (http://www.transitsocialinnovation.eu/sii).
For our work at the World Cafe Community Foundation, this workshop provides inspiring new perspectives about the deeper developmental patterns of organisations working in the field of social change. Our thanks go to all partners of the TRANSIT team for their highly valuable contributions - indeed journeying through theory and practice of transformative social innovation. So much to explore and learn from and with each other! Our website Find us on Twitter